Stop washing your hair!

My first tip to you guys is simple, don’t wash your hair everyday.  If you have hair like mine, then it probably isn’t very oily and if it is oily then your hair is probably thick enough to absorb it.  I have a pretty dry hair myself so if I wash it too much it gets frizzy (even more than it already is), which we don’t want. So, I wash and condition my hair every 2 or 3 days.  Now, I know a lot of you are wondering if you use conditioner if you can wash your hair more often considering conditioner adds moisture back into you hair.  My answer? No.  While yes, condition does provide some moisture to your hair it doesn’t provide nearly enough.  Your hair may feel soft but that is because most conditioners contain silicone which coats your hair and makes it feel softer, but doesn’t necessarily add or detract any moisture from your hair.  Now, don’t go to the other extreme because you do need to wash your hair to get rid of sweat and dirt which isn’t good for your scalp or hair.  And don’t worry about being perfect with your hair washing “timeline”.  You can go an extra day and be fine and you can wash two days in a row if you used a product that is hard to get out or you got sweaty throughout the day.  Just try to cut down on the amount of times you actually shampoo and you will notice a big difference in the amount of frizz.

Thanks for reading!

The man with a million hairs

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